The Board needs my common sense/voice of reason on the Board. We will have one new board member who will need guidance and help as well
Climate Action in Schools
What is your assessment of current sustainability programs being implemented at the school and administrative levels?
How would you promote student involvement in BUSD sustainability and climate action programs?
Do you think that BUSD is properly addressing food waste? If not, what programs would you implement to reduce food waste district wide?
Do you feel that our schools have adequate green spaces for our students?
The Board just approved the Superintendent’s environmental committee which will be working to bring such programs to the Board. I’m very excited about this committee as it’s been a long time coming. I think at this point the environmental committee (which has a new name) should focus on larger projects that a whole school site can take part in such as recycling and lowering power usage classroom by classroom.
The whole City lacks green space, which makes it a further challenge to keep green space at sites.
I think BUSD’s current program of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (BPIS) has been very successful in all areas. Bullying is a very difficult behavior to curb because it’s not always reported. I think taking the approach of pushing kindness with students while also encouraging students to be able to stand up for themselves is the best approach. Our mental health programs work with these students and these issues daily and that might be the only way to reduce the frequency of this age old problem
BUSD must follow all guidelines and mandates set by the county, so as far as formulating a plan, it would be to follow those guidelines. I believe in the science put forth and therefore feel that vaccinations for adults and employees are a must, however I don’t feel comfortable mandating vaccines for students (even if I feel that is the correct way) and would not want to mandate a vaccination for students.
What is missing from the contract and what would you like to see added?
What are the current grounds for teacher termination and what do think should be added or deleted from that list?
I would like to see a floating holiday or two for Teachers to have for whatever reasons they need. Terminating a teacher is very difficult and takes a great deal of time, as it should. Teachers can be terminated for unusually odd behaviors, difficult interactions with students and out and out defiance after years of documenting these issues.
What are your thoughts on SROs in schools?
I think that there is a place and at times even a need for SROs in our schools. However, there needs to be a reworking of thoughts on both sides (for and against) on the best use of their abilities and still have effective behaviors at our sites. Perhaps it’s a more casual uniform and no gun. Perhaps it includes more involvement between the SRO office and the students in a friendly, fun situation that shows the human aspect of the SRO and not just someone who wants to get a student in trouble. Let’s make this work!